Wednesday 22 September 2010

First sail!

Sailing Calypso! Wow, feels good to write those words - I know plenty of people have husbands who spend 30 years in their garden shed building a boat which never hits the water - and I should be grateful it only took 9 months - but........ the boys are very glad to have their dad back - and so am I! Jeremy and Fiona took Calypso up to the boat show and we brought her back, my sister at the helm (first time out in a sailing boat). Contessa 32s really are beautiful to sail. Any compromising on space down below is immediately forgotten on a trip like that, into the wind, and making really good progress. This weekend is the New Forest Festival not to be missed, so our first trip with the boys will have to be next weekend - they are already finding their sleeping bags and dreaming of Newtown Creek! yippee.


  1. Jessie,

    Enjoy the first weekend away with the kids! It was great to meet you and have a look round Calyspo at the show - it's given me a load of ideas for my own 'recycling' of an old yacht! If you're ever in Cowes just yell!

  2. sister,thankyou for taking me along on your first sail, it was great fun, if a little choppy at the end. just count me out of cooking below decks in that weather!! she is a beautiful boat and your boys big and little are great, it was fun being with them x

  3. Jessie,
    I'm new to sailing and fell in love with the Contessa. I Hope to own one some day... I was fascinated following the "Building Calypso" blog. I admire you all for taking a "green" approach. Every little bit helps :-). I would love if you could post some photos of the completed boat and highlight some of the products and choices that were made during the development. Thanks!
