I should make clear this is not first to the finish but first to enter the 80th Round-the-Island Race - an epic yacht race of 1700 boats who make the annual dash, 60 miles around the Isle of Wight.
I've never taken part in the RTI race but other members of the Rogers family have won the most coveted RTI trophy, The Gold Roman Bowl, three times in the old family boat, Rosina, so the pressure is on! People assume that because your surname is Rogers that you are genetically modified for sailing. Of course, I'm not a real Rogers, I was born on a farm in a land locked part of the country and had no idea about boats until my late teens. It's true that since then I have got quite a few miles under my belt, but somehow, I still feel like a bit of a fraud.
Anyway, it should be an exciting day and hopefully if we do really badly it will be put down to the weight of the hybrid engine, or the extra batteries, and not the dilution of Rogers genes on board!
Nice one Jessie! Fiona